Before and After School Care - Important Information

News date: 


The safety and wellbeing of our students at Marymede is very important to us.  We are very fortunate at Marymede Catholic College to have an on-site provider of Before and After School Care provided by Camp Australia. 

This service provided by and administered enables parents/guardians to access care for their primary school aged child/ren in the mornings and afternoons outside of the times that teachers are on supervision duty in the College grounds. 

Before School Care provided by Camp Australia runs from 6:30am – 8:45am, Monday to Friday and After School Care runs from 3:15pm – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday.  Before and after these times, there is no supervision provided by the College on the College grounds. 

The teachers commence their yard duty supervision in the playground at 8:20am and it concludes at 3:40pm.  Unless a student is attending Before School Care and/or After School Care, no students should be on the College campus before 8:20am or after 3:40pm.

Any primary student who is on the College campus before 8:20am will be taken to Before School care where they will be supervised until 8:45am. Camp Australia will charge parents for supervision of their child/ren.  

The same applies to any students who are not collected from the College campus by 3:40pm.  They will be taken to After School care, where they will be supervised until they are collected by a parent/guardian.  Camp Australia will charge parents for supervision.  

Primary students are unable to use the College Library as a before or after hours supervision area, unless they are supervised by a Parent or Guardian.   Primary students with Secondary school siblings are unable to be supervised by their Secondary school sibling in the library and would also need to abide by the above.

For further information about Camp Australia services please visit their website